Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January 2013 Ped Op Visit

Today Alex visited his Ped Op at Duke.  It was a standard visit to check how he is doing.   

We were unable to get a reading of his eye pressures because Alex did not like the instrument in his eyes and wanted to touch it or turn his head away.  Basically, he is a squirmy toddler and has figured out the whole doctor thing.  It is challenging because if they cry, the pressures rise.  Not that she even got a reading.  He just didn't want to cooperate.  His pressures were good and low in September so we are going to try again in May to get a reading.  If we cannot get a reading at that appointment, we will discuss an exam when he is sedated. 

To check his vision, drops were applied to dilate his eyes.   The doctor held up different glass lenses to check his vision.  Alex is extremely far sighted which she had mentioned at previous visits without the vision test.  Today the doctor prescribed glasses.  We are going to see if he is interested in wearing them to improve how he sees things close up.  We are hoping he notices the difference and wants to wear them.  This process was difficult because he did not want to let the doctor examine him (that whole toddler thing) so we had to hold him snugly and hold his eyes open so she could look.  Poor little guy.......lots of crying and tears......very sad for everyone in the room.

I was a little concerned with the length of time per week Alex wears a patch on his right eye.  But the doctor said he has improved and we will continue the patch therapy for 5 hours per week.

Wednesday is Art Cart day at the Ped Op office so Alex created art with the very nice lady who leads it.  He made dot marker art and played with pom poms in a plastic egg taking them out and putting them back in over and over.  It is nice they try to provide activities/toys/books/etc. for the children since the appointments last a minimum of two hours.

Next visit is in May so we will keep you updated.   I need to price glasses and I will make sure to post about that process.  Here is a picture of our little cutie before we left for the appointment.  

Alex - 17 months old